Saturday, January 4, 2014

Moonraker Bantam Paperback

Moonraker, Ian Fleming, Bantam paperback printing, March 1973, U.S., originally priced at 95¢.

We'll discuss the cover art depictions of the three main characters: Bond, Drax, and the girl, Gala Brand.

Firstly, Bond looks completely different than he does on the cover of Goldfinger printed less than a year before by the same publisher. His depiction here is the most dated and the most un-Bond-like we've covered so far.  He's badly in need of a haircut and a smaller bow tie. 

Secondly, we're assuming the bald mustachioed man is supposed to be Drax.  Evidently the illustrator never read the novel -- or even the description of Drax on the back cover.

Finally, Gala Brand appears like Tiffany Case on the Diamonds Are Forever poster.  We prefer Fleming's depiction:


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