Saturday, November 2, 2013

OHMSS 3rd U.K. Paperback Printing

On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, 3rd U.K. paperback printing, Pan, originally priced at 60c (intended for sale in Canada).  

In 1955, Pan became the first publisher to print the Bond books in paperback in the United Kingdom, and Pan was still the paperback publisher there during the height of Bondmania, when this printing was issued.

The Pan cover art during this time period consisted of a few images related to the novel.  Here we have the most effective example of this style, and one of the best Bond covers overall.  The cover depicts three simple images: a wedding ring, snow, and blood.  If a picture was ever worth 1,000 words, this is it.  A fitting cover to one of the two best Bond novels. 

This cover alone is better than the entire movie.

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