Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dr No 9th Coronet Paperback Printing

Dr No, Ian Fleming, 9th Coronet paperback printing, U.K., originally priced at £5.99 (UK) and $14.95 (Australia).

From the copyright page we can tell this book was not printed before 1989.  Since this is the 9th printing from this publisher, and we purchased it at Borders in the late 90's, it was probably printed in the mid-to-late 90's.  Question: why was a Borders in the United States selling a printing from the United Kingdom?  Borders is no longer around to answer.

Many Dr No covers understandably depict Honey Rider in some form or another.  This cover emphasizes her strength rather than her sex appeal, her bravery rather than her body.  All we see of her is one of her bronzed hands (which inexplicably has painted nails), tightly grasped around her gleaming hunting knife.  

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