Thursday, August 29, 2013

Diamonds Are Forever 1st Signet Paperback Printing

Diamonds Are Forever, Ian Fleming, 1st Signet paperback printing, United States, November 1961, originally priced at 50¢.

Signet was the second U.S. publisher to print Diamonds Are Forever in paperback.  The cover art for most Signet printings in the 1960's consisted of a small drawing on a solid-colored ground (in this case pink).  The Diamonds drawing is one of the few from these covers that isn't forgettable.  

Although it doesn't get all the details exactly right, this drawing captures Tiffany Case as first seen by Bond, in chapter 5 of the novel:

She was sitting half naked, astride a chair in front of the dressing table, gazing across the back of the chair into the triple mirror.  Her bare arms were folded along the tall back of the chair and her chin was resting on her arms.  Her spine was arched and there was arrogance in the set of her head and shoulders.  The thin black strap of her brassiere across the naked white back, the tight black lace pants and the angled thrust of her legs whipped at Bond's senses.  

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